Saturday, December 12, 2009

How returning to school can change the person you are...

I never imagined that every goal I had accomplished would varnish but I did see it happen. Sad is that it not only happened to me, but everyone around me, under me, above me, and besides me. When the market crashed everyone sort of fell into a hole of fear of loosing not only there roof but as well there incomes. Now business are closing down for good and people can hardly earn enough money to pay all of their bills. I have to admit that the only thing I have left for my family and I are a career in the medical field. I know that is one career that will never fail during any world wide recession. Sometimes I sit and think wow I have yet changed my career again. Hey I had already have dedicated my hours in college and yet here I am back in college studding, lol. I agree with the world finally, cause it's true nothing last forever. Everything comes to an end. It's amazing to see how school does influence my life from a day to day basis allowing me to absorbing all the knowledge into my brain and making me more powerful. Call me a nerd and I'll laugh because only ignorant individuals don't believe in school.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Life is to short to have any regrets

I was born in New York city and I have to say that ever since a child I remember wanting to become a doctor and cure the people. I am going to school to become the next Anesthesiologist and I know one day I can tell my parents see I finally accomplished my dream career I had in mind since I was a child. If you set your mind to something just do it cause you only live once. Every moment counts and only I can live it the way I want to live it and no one can take that away from me.